Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Video Game in a Box!!!!

   Many of them expected to play Mario, Adam Kumpf and his team have created a video game in a box. Here we can play Mario forever in a box. This game they created was basically to showcase what Teagueduino can do.

   This game is basically based on Mario and it is literally a side scroller with the landscape and the various monsters and obstacles like mushroom creatures, bricks and pipes that are continuously rolling. It has a knob on the side of its box which controls Mario and turning it moves him up or down.

   They‘ve a target to avoid the mushrooms and obstacles for as long as you can and the time advances the game gets faster and faster. There is no end for this sight. Mario and the various obstacles are made out of magnets which helps the system sense them and detects when you have collided with a monster or object, which will then cause you to lose the game and the lid of the box will then close.

   It’s more like Spy Hunter, but it still stand pretty impressive little creation by them. I think it really satisfies the video game player to play the game in a box. 

   I so much would love to get one! I remember when I was a kid I was trying to finish Mario but I couldn’t. But now it is easy to finish  by its new version game in a box. And it makes comfortable and easy to complete the game…

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