Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Keyboard Works Well on Physical Keyboard!!!!!!!!

   You all know many keyboards with different features, here I’m gonna talk about the Liquid Keyboard™ which is a virtual keyboard has touch screens and surfaces that adapts to the user’s natural finger positions and allows users to touch-type on smooth surfaces.

   Christian Sax and Hannes have developed this type of on-screen keyboard called Liquid Keyboard. They are currently working on this research project at the University of Technology, Sydney. This keyboard works well on physical keyboard. One can feel the keys and their location and has based on this a clear understanding on where all other keys are located without looking at them. 

   On-screen keyboards are also slower than regular keyboards because we can’t rest our hands on them and we’ve to check every key before we press it. This problem is come to an end by solution called Liquid Keyboard. All keys adjust to the position of your fingers and it is not necessary to check twice before pressing a certain key it is easy to type as fast as we would type on a regular computer keyboard. 

   This is designed for all users that are used to the standard physical keyboard. It will be perfect for tablet. This keyboard is constructed in one fluid motion and the system senses fingers positions and their pressure by calculating the surface area of a finger on the screen. The user-controlled positioning of keys allows the keyboard to adapt automatically to hand size and finger position.

   It enables users to know exactly where keys are positioned on the keyboard as these keys are always at the same position relatively to the current finger position on the screen. It is not necessary to have a look at the keyboard in order know where keys are located.

   It make us to feel great for using the Liquid Keyboard and it’s not necessary to know where the keys is positioned  it is same as the current keyboard.

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