Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Interacted & Touched In Mid Air!!!!

Nowadays, the technology has been a lot with its latest innovation but there is no end for it. These days we were watching 3D movies with 3D glasses, later on we watched without 3D glasses but now. Researchers from the Keio University in Japan have developed a new 3D display that displays floating 3D characters that can be interacted with and touched in mid air.

This device lets us to touch those three dimensional gaming characters. RePro3D display is made up of a 3D display glasses it’s a mechanically controlled model environment and a tactile interface.

These enable humans to intuitively interact with and operate 3D objects using the hands. However, realizing 3D object interactions as if the user is actually touching the object in the real world is quite difficult because of screen shape. The conventional methods are restricted to a flat panel. It is difficult to achieve a balance between displaying the 3D image and sensing the user input.

So, full-parallax 3D display system that is suitable for interactive 3D applications. Here, a number of images from a projector array are projected onto the retro-reflective screen. When a user looks at the screen through a half mirror, he or she, without the use of glasses, can view a 3D image that has motion parallax.

The screen shape can be chosen depending on the application, but it doesn’t require image correction according to screen shape. RePro3D has a sensor function to recognize the user input. It can be achieved by using its interactive features such as operation of 3D objects. Researchers are looking further to build a new version of RePro3D which will allow for larger visible 3D images to be display and also interacted with.

It is really a delighted one, doesn’t live us alone with its interactive characters. But one thing is those interactive characters only exist within the screen which make us feel a little lonely.

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