Friday, 16 September 2011

Better Performance And Lower Power Consumption>>>>>>>>>>>

   In this blog entry I’m gonna talk about, the chip-maker Intel Corporation, this is a world’s largest chip-maker, revealed on Friday that it is working on a host of futuristic technologies which would improve the power efficiency of PCs 300-fold in the next 10 years  and ensure the security of data and user identities.

   I think this works faster than the current one and saves time and power consumption, it also assures by securing the data and user identities, for which the user awaited these days.  This uses much less power for both processing and memory.

   On the final day of the Intel Developer Forum (IDF) 2011, Intel Chief Technology Officer Justin Rattner revealed that the company was developing technologies to take computing to the next level, with better performance and lower power consumption.

   Intel’s multi-core technology is in which more than one processing engine is built into a single chip which has been the accepted methodology for increasing performance while keeping low power consumption. This enables faster web access and one main thing is improve PC user security and reduce the requirement for wireless infrastructure to provide the optimal online experience among other benefits.

   In this new technology for better PC security, users are able to see images and other data on social networking sites and other platforms only after computer recognizes his or her face. Enables parallel cryptographic and facial recognition services to improve security on Ultrabooks and traditional notebooks besides desktops PCs with the help of Intel microprocessors.

  Intel Labs has working on a new ‘Near-Threshold Voltage Processor’ which enabled an experimental Pentium-class processor unit to deliver five times better energy efficiency levels, with the ability to run a processor with a solar cell the size of postage stamp. The next concept chip is called as Claremont 

   It help to achieve the goal of a nearly 300 times improvement in energy efficiency levels in the next ten years and potentially even a 1000-fold improvement in the future.

   They disclosed that a new JavaScript solution that could speed up browser-based content such as 3D games by up to eight-fold and Intel would also soon launch the world’s first processor with Many-Integrated Core(MIC) architecture, which promises to revolutionize high-performance computing.

   This will make a big rapport when it entire in the field by its power efficiency of PCs 300 times in the next 10 years, which also assures security of data and user identities………

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