Saturday, 20 August 2011


   As you know, now a days robots have advanced a lot, and now they can do all sort of things and speaking of things that robots can do, did you know that robots could dance? In real life a student from Purdue University has created a new robot called DARwIn-OP which made us to admire. As of this robot can play the game of Dance Dance Revolution, but not on its own.

  DARwIn-OP (Dynamic Anthropomorphic Robot with Intelligence–Open Platform) is an affordable, miniature-humanoid-robot platform with advanced computational power, sophisticated sensors, high payload capacity, and dynamic motion ability to enable many exciting research and education activities.

 High Performance and Advanced Features
  • - Default walking speed: 24.0 cm/sec (9.44 in/sec) 0.25 sec/step - user modifiable gait
  • - Default standing up time from ground: 2.8 sec (from facing down) and 3.9 sec (from facing up) - user modifiable speed
  • - Built-in PC: 1.6 GHz Intel Atom Z530 on-board 4GB flash SSD
  • - Management controller (CM-730): ARM CortexM3 STM32F103RE 72MHz
  • - 20 actuator modules (6 DOF leg x2+ 3 DOF arm x2 + 2 DOF neck)
  • - Actuators with durable metallic gears (DYNAMIXEL MX-28)
  • - Self-maintenance kit (easy to follow steps and instructions)
  • - Standby mode for low power consumption
  • - 3Mbps high-speed Dynamixel bus for joint control
  • - Battery (30 minutes of operations), charger, and external power adapter   (Battery can be removed from robot without shutting down by plugging in external power before removal)
  • - Versatile functionality (can accept legacy, current, and future peripherals)
  • - 3-axis gyro, 3-axis accelerometer, button x3, detection microphone x2
    DARwin-OP is a truely Open Platform, Open source Software and Open source Hardware leading that it is a PC based which can install  Windows, Offices, whatever providing languages, C++ whatever want to do, and also it is designed for research platform because has a computing platform can add more stuff for research and education. DARwin-OP has a very Efficient and Versatile Modular Configuration. It has its height of 454.5 mm (17.90 in) and its weight of  2.9kg (6.39 lb).

    Coming to its simple and clean architecture: Max 2Mbps Serial BUS and Max 3 Mbps DYNAMIXEL BUS.

    Creator of this project has designed a special pad for DARwIn-OP that allows it to move, but so far, this robot is being remotely controlled. This robot cannot keep its balance on its own, so it has to use a special bar that is placed in front of it, and due to lack of visual perception, this robot has to be remotely controlled at all times.

Wow, it is a Fantastic Robot even haven't seen anything, comparing to higher performing robot DARwin-OP is the best and i'm proud to say this information of Baby DARwin-OP!

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